5-1/2 Weeks Old

October 17, 2000

These pictures were taken over the past weekend. Everyone continues to do well. We've been moving them around quite a lot from location to location so they can experience as many places as possible. I'm also playing a lot of chase games with them to stimulate their prey drive. They are almost too fast for me now to keep away from! I tried to run ahead of them and snap a couple pictures of them as you'll see below. One more week and they are going home!! We put out the baby teeter totter and set up the little dog walk for them to play on, and they love playing king and queen of the hill on it. I'm always amazed at how fearless they are of the teeter at this age. We did this with the last litter and many of them are training for agility. I've not heard that any of them have gone through the typical "teeter fear" stage so perhaps this is helping. It's impossible to say but I'd sure like to think it does.

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Pepper got a touch of mastitis and we had to wean about a week early. We used bags of ice as cold packs to help dry her up. She actually seemed to like this! Pass!! I used pillows on either side of her to keep her propped up on her back and she laid like that for the full 10 minutes. What a good girl!
The neighbors and their cousins came over to play. I'm not sure who wore who out.

This page was last updated on April 19, 2003
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