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About Our Breeding Program

Thank you for your interest in a Coppertop puppy. We’d like to start by telling you a little about ourselves. We are not primarily breeders; most of our "spare" time is spent training and competing with our dogs. Our breeding program began fairly recently, and was the result of our desire to produce the kind of Golden Retriever we ourselves wanted to train, show, and live with. Since we train and show in a wide variety of areas—obedience, agility, tracking, hunt tests, and the odd foray into the breed ring—we need dogs who are up for anything! And since we like our dogs to excel at whatever they put their paws to, we found that the type of dog we wanted is not very easy to come by. Our "perfect" dog is a blending of drive with control, attitude with focus, plus brains, good looks, soundness, and longevity...a very tall order. It is our belief that a pedigree combining excellent examples of both field and breed dogs is most likely to produce the kind of dog we want. Anyone who has ever tried to breed realizes the truth to the old adage that "the perfect dog doesn’t exist" but, like every good breeder, our goal is to try to prove the adage wrong.

Keep an eye on this page for future announcements on our breeding.
Click here to view information about the :
Pepper / Jammer Litter
- Born January 3, 1999
Cricket / Trey Litter - Born May 10, 2000
Pepper / Jammer Repeat - Born September 5, 2000

Spirit / Steeler Litter - Born October 14, 2003
**Dixie / Steeler Litter - Born April 10, 2004**
Spirit / Shale Litter - Born November 7, 2006

Dixie / Joey Litter - Born January 8, 2008

This page was last updated on January 9, 2008
Main Page | Spirit | Dixie | Pepper | Cricket | Lindy | Coppertop Kids | News | Breeding Plans | Feedback