Four Weeks

We just started putting the babies out in the backyard in an x-pen arrangement when the sun is shining and it's warm enough. Sometimes they are only out for an hour or two, but it gives them the opportunity to stretch their legs.

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Puppy Pile!

New Visitors!
Our friends Bea Moore and Ann Brown came over to visit and get a dose of puppy breath. The pups really enjoyed the visit.
More Visitors
Vicki and Bob, who own Spirit's sister, Polly, came up from Southern Cal for a weekend visit. It was actually a very busy weekend for the pups as we had many visitors. They turned 5 weeks old the following Tuesday.
That Saturday evening, we had friends Bob and Ann Blackburn down to join us all for dinner and they brought their 8-week-old daughter, Elisabeth, so she could see the puppies...or so the puppies could see her? She slept the entire visit and at one point we decided to put her in with the sleeping pups to get some pictures. Bob used the opportunity to call distant relatives to take a peek on the webcam to see their lovely daughter!

Dee Dee and Billy Anderson and their sons, Christopher and Kevin, came to dinner on Sunday night. Dee Dee is our friend who helped whelp the litter. Christopher is quite the photographer and was checking out my new camera, so he took the following pictures of Cricket, Dee Dee with Mr. Blue, and Dixie.

This page was last updated on April 5, 2004
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