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Can. GMH Coppertop Wind in the Taiga MH WCX** "Breeze" AKC Master National Qualifier 2005
Born on September 5, 2000
Breeze lives with Judy Myers, who is based in California half the year and Washington the other half. They lead the free-wheeling life...literally, since they live full time in a motor home. Breeze and Judy do advanced field training when they aren't busy traipsing around North America. Judy was planning on an obedience career for Breeze, but they both got bitten by the field bug in a big way and both love this new activity so much that obedience has sort of fallen by the wayside. Breeze earned his Junior Hunter with head-turning style, including one test with scores of straight 10's across the board. This was Judy's first ever hunt test title but definitely not her last, or Breeze's either. They have, well, "Breezed" through advanced field work and are now sporting Master Hunter titles in both the United States and Canada. Maybe now they will take time to think more seriously about some obedience - or not. If Breeze has his way he will keep on getting those birds! Breeze's accomplishments include:
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This page was last updated on September 25, 2009
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